I experienced and heard several stories about homeowners, our Service Consultants and even third parties having problems with their insurance adjuster. In fact, back in August 2011, a wind storm came through my neighborhood in Edmond, OK and damaged numerous homes... One of these affected was my neighbor across the street that has two layers of wood roof (That's right, a layer of wood shingles, covered by a layer of wood shakes)...
See the below pictures from that storm:

Well the answer is yes and no.
The problem usually is that a homeowner either is sure that their roof should be replaced (usually because a contractor told you or every other home in your neighborhood is being roofed) or did not even think the roof was touched. Either way, if home was in the path of a storm get ready for some door knocking salesmen… some of which may be the scam artists you have heard about. Anyway, when it comes to your damaged roof, the contractor may be on the up and up... or he may be trying to manufacture a claim. And when you do decide to file a claim (yes you will have to file… not the contractor on your behalf), there are numerous factors that go in to an adjusters decision on your coverage and what the insurance will pay; the most common are:
1. What is your policy. Most insurance adjusters are paid to be insurance policy experts. In fact over the past few years there have been so many changes in policy types... and in many cases homeowners are not aware of changes in coverage’s to their own policy.
Specific changes to policy's may be:
A. An addition of Non-Recoverable Depreciation
B. A change in a policy for allowing "sloping"
C. A change in a policy to allow code upgrades
2. What type of roof do you have. We are roofers, we work with roofs every day of our life. There are tons of types (makes and models) of roofs. If the type of roof you have is more resistant to damage, or the adjuster (who is not a roofing expert) is not familiar with the system.
3. The type of damage. As I just stated, adjusters are typically not roofing experts, they should be damage experts. Sometimes though, the roof may not be damaged enough to "total" the roof, however in several cases that I have seen this year, when you take in to consideration the condition of the roof and the difficulty of the repair... many roofers will suggest (and rightfully so) that the roof needs to be replaced.
4. Wear and tear & manufacturer defects. Predetermined roof failure... such as a manufacturer defect... may effect your overall claim.
So... what do I recommend???
First... familiarize yourself with insurance and claim terminology. I think we have a great resource on the Reroof America website here: http://www.reroofamerica.com/Insurance-Information.htm
Second... review your policy BEFORE you need to use it. Sit down with you agent and discuss what is covered and what isn't, if you are at all unclear.
Third... find a good roofer. One that is not only knowledgeable about roofing but can also effectively communicate with you adjuster to help get your claim resolved. Oftentimes this will not be the first salesman to your door. I recommend talking to a few and reviewing their credentials. Honest contractors do not mind being scrutinised.
Fourth... be patient. When there are a lot of storms across the country (like in 2011) sometimes the adjuster field is low (experienced adjusters get dispatched to areas of high volume). If you think you disagree with you roofer or adjuster... get a second opinion. (Most reputable roofers will not mid if you get a second opinion)
Lastly... realize that you, and your roofer may be wrong. Like I said... there are many factors that go in to your roof and your claim. While you pay for your policy so it can be used in a time of need, there may be a valid reason for your claim to be denied… and there is likely something being lost in the communication.
As for me… this year I’ve see roofs that have no business being totaled… that were… and some that were definitely beat up enough to be totaled… that were denied.
In the case of my neighbor… we are still working with the insurance company to come to the right solution. Like I said… be patient!!!
If you have specific damage questions… you can always send me questions and pictures may be I can help you (with no obligation to you :) )!
Thanks for reading!!!